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Exchange Magazine

Exchange - BC's Premiere Local Government Magazine

Create new local connections through Exchange - the premiere magazine for local government managers in BC. It's about sharing information, exchanging ideas on best practices, enhancing professional development and building networks.  With its circulation to more than 1,000 members and business affiliates, Exchange is noted for its extraordinary high readership levels. As well, in a recent survey, members stated they read and keep the magazine as a resource, and share it with their colleagues.

Winter 2024 Exchange Magazine - Finding Your Path Toward Reconciliation

In this edition of Exchange, we delve deep into understanding what the Declaration Act means for local governments and discuss with legal experts and consultants on how to lead meaningful engagement with First Nations communities, how to build lasting relationships, and overcome stumbling blocks when working together.

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Recent Issues

Winter 2023 Exchange - Local Solutions for Housing Challenges

In this edition of Exchange, professionals with expertise in local government and community planning share insights into some of the underlying causes of current housing issues, as well as advice on how local governments can use their knowledge and existing authority to make changes that result in viable solutions.

Spring 2023 Exchange - Rethinking Your Recruitment Strategies

In this edition of Exchange, we dig into the labour market shortage and climbing economic pressures that have had a profound impact on how local governments do business. Read more as we discuss rapid changes and new tools and strategies for Rethinking your Recruitment Strategies.

Summer 2023 Exchange - Climate Change Readiness: Local Actions for Local Impacts

In this edition of Exchange, we look at what different levels of government are doing to respond to climate change, and highlight real-life B.C. examples of communities working together. Find tips, tricks, and strategies on what your community can do to mitigate your climate impact.

Fall 2023 Exchange – Decoding
Accessibility for Local Governments 

In this edition of Exchange, we highlight local governments using creative partnerships and networks to meaningfully address gaps in accessibility in their communities while meeting the requirements of the Accessible BC Act.

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